How did the seminars influence my career plans

I remember that ever since my first year at Bangor, I have been receiving weekly emails about the “Bioscience seminars”. Therefore, I am glad that with this module, I finally managed to attend them. It was quite fascinating to be able to see how real scientific projects look like.

And even though I had already decided what I would do after graduation before I enlisted myself in this module, I feel that I had much to gain from these seminars. They helped me to form an opinion on various conservation issues (for example, the reintroduction of pine martens or the red squirrel/grey squirrel debate) and they have also shown me a glimpse of cutting-edge molecular research projects (such as using Daphnia in environmental genomics). The multitude of topics also helped to keep things interesting and throughout the year I am sure that everyone found at least one seminar that they really enjoyed.

Thus, although it is difficult to say how exactly did the seminars influenced my career plans, I am certainly glad that I attended them because I feel that they have broaden my scientific knowledge and have enriched my overall university experience.

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